birthday countdown

Monday, February 22, 2010

Reality Wake Up Call

Okay so my friend and I rode our bikes form Moscow to Troy today. Well almost, we had to stop about 2 miles short because there was too much ice on the bike trail.  We think it was about 20 miles- but since we couldn't get the bike computer to work we aren't sure. It was a HUGE reality check for me. Thank goodness I have such an awesome, positive and great friend! She kept me going. So some things I learned about myself today.... My bike needs some serious help. I need to work harder in spin class, I need A LOT more biking outside time and this 75 mile bike ride will be the hardest thing I have ever done. 

Do I feel in over my head? oh yes, but I also feel empowered and good about myself. It was a tough ride for me, but we did it. We started our training. I am just glad that I registered for the ride BEFORE today! It is going to be an adventure.

But 2 hours of biking and 2000 calories makes for a pretty good day. Now for a hot shower and some lunch! I wonder how my legs will feel tomorrow??

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Good job! The only biking I'm good at is under a mile around the neighborhood!
